Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Portfolio 4

In my engineering classes, I often encounter with several difficulties when writing my answers. The very first problem is nothing other than writing good sentence structures. Good sentence structures are very important to express my idea. Without good sentence structures, it's hard for the examiners to understand my points, because of the ambiguity of the sentences. For example, in MLE 1101 module, we often need to compare difference materials and their properties. In doing so, we usually end up with long sentences of poor sentence structures.

To solve this problem, I'll try to keep my sentences short, instead of connecting a few phrases using commas. In this way, I can control the way my points are organized. However, this is not a bullet-proof method. It's not always possible to change a long sentences to short ones.

Thus, I need to improve my writing skills, especially sentence structures. I need to practice more. EG 1471 is a very useful module to help me improve my writing skills. I get to learn grammar and write essays in EG 1471. The more I learn and practice, the more my writing skills improve. Also, reading is another way to improve my writing skills. I've made it a point to read at least an article from the Internet everyday. When reading the articles, I also note down how the author play with language.

Another problem I'm facing in writing is to make my point clear. In engineering, making my points clear is very important so that the readers do not need to hunt around to get the real meaning of my points. Sometimes, even sentences with very good sentence structures cannot fully express the points. This problem can be caused by redundant sentences and also incorrect use of word.

I think the best way to solve this problem is, again, to read. By reading other people's article, I can learn how they bring out their points. Reading helps to improve my vocabulary also.

In short, the way towards excellence is to learn and practice. I believe, with enough reading and practice, I can eventually solve the difficulties I'm facing.


Unknown said...

This is rather true, we need to have more readings and practices to improve our writing skills. However, these efforts should be consistent, since we can't hope for a one-step solution.

Cheng Han said...

I agree with you. EG1471 has more or less helped us in making good sentence structures in our answer, so that the examiner can easily understand the explanation. However, it is also important for us to understand the concepts taught.

HZ Weng said...

I think that reading and writing is essential in school as well as in the working society. Therefore, we should express and practise English consistently.