Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Portfolio 1

Before I begin, I should thank all those people, especially engineers, who have made it possible for me to write this article using my laptop while I'm waiting for my next tutorial class. This shows how technology evolves, where I no need to write article by hand. Instead, I can turn on my laptop and connect to the internet using wireless connection, wherever I am, and start writing my article so that I can post it online.

Yes, engineers have made my life (or everybody's life) easier. As civilization grows, people are expecting to spend better lives. We call this expectation "the joy of living".

In the past, people walked. Then, they used animal as their transportation. Nowadays, the transportation system has advanced to a level where no human is required to drive the transports, a.k.a Unmanned Vehicle. This shows that human being always wanted to do things in an easier way.

As an engineering student, I strongly believe that an engineer's most important job is to create a better world or to create the joy of living. Other people might argue that sustainability, health and vulnerability should be the top concerns of engineers. But if we think deeper, the actual idea of these concerns (sustainability, health, vulnerability) is to create a better life for human being. We want to live in a sustainable world because we want to enjoy our life more. We pursue a healthy life because health is the key to all joy. We want to stay invulnerable because we don't want other people to mess up our normal life.

From these point of views, it can be concluded that engineers have very important role in bringing joy to the people. In this context, engineers don't create joy through entertainment like what celebrities do. Instead, engineers create machines, buildings, technologies that can make the world a better place to live in.

As a whole, I believe that creating joy of living to the people is the most important job of an engineer.